Saturday, February 25, 2012

Creative Thinking by Scott Berkun

Awesome Video! Here are my notes:

  • All ideas are made of other ideas......Combine Ideas!
  • Thinking outside of the box is about removing constraints made up by our minds.
  • Working hard or working smart? DO BOTH!
  • Keep a journal of Ideas
  • Find a partner, could not find one, find a competition
  • Fail more often.  “The first draft of anything is shit” - Ernest Hemingway

And example that everything is a Remix .... even Star Wars

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Learning REST and DDD from Jim Webber.

Notes on “Domain-Driven Design for RESTful Systems”
  • HTTP is about moving documents around,  therefore Map HTTP protocol to trigger business activities by moving documents.
  • HTTP is an application protocol. Narrow HTTP into a domain application protocol.
  • Restful Clients drives work-flows just like amazon make us a drive the checkout-flow.
  • Do not build services that also do orchestration. Operation-Oriented VS Resource-Oriented architectures.
  • You do not need a bus (event bus) for Events. Use Event feeds ( atoms feeds) and let clients pull the events they are interested in.
  • There’s always More THAN ONE DOMAIN REPRESENTATION in the software solution.
  • Command Query Responsibility Separation (CQRS) maps directly to HTTP